FO° Talks are intended to be deep dives into issues of importance to the world. The best of Fair Observer’s 2,500+ contributors from 90 countries share their ideas, insights, and perspectives with a select audience. Our speakers look at global issues through many prisms.
They also look under the surface and around the corners. In essence, they make sense of the world. Speaker: Larry Beck, a former criminal prosecutor, defense attorney, and international criminal law and judicial reform consultant, who lives in the US. Larry will present his insights, a historical and cultural perspective, and a discussion of the difficult path to meaningful control of access to guns in the US. Moderator: Peter Isackson, the chief strategy officer of Fair Observer, is a dual American-French citizen who lives in France.
Fair Observer is an independent nonprofit media organization that has published more than 2,500 voices from over 90 countries, including statesmen, retired military officers, former diplomats, and leading professors, along with some of the brightest young public intellectuals from around the world.