Kayhan Barzegar

Kayhan Barzegar is Director of the Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies in Tehran and Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Science and Research Branch of the Islamic Azad University in Tehran. He is also a Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for International Studies. Dr. Barzegar was a Research Fellow at Harvard University during 2006-2011 and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the London School of Economics (LSE) in 2002–2003. He has been widely published in English and in Farsi and participated in numerous international conferences on Iran's foreign policy, Iran-US relations, Iran-Arab relations, and the politics of Iran's nuclear program. His latest publications are: “The US war on Terror after Bin Laden” Harvard University (May 2011), “Iran’s Interests and Values in the Arab Spring” Harvard University (April 2011), "Tit-for-tat diplomacy" Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (November–December 2010), "Balance of Power in the Persian Gulf" Middle East Policy (Fall 2010), "Roles at Odds" Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs (Fall 2010), "Russia and the Future of Nuclear Talks" Iran Review (August 2010), “Regionalism in Iran’s Foreign Policy,” Harvard University (January 2010), "Sanctions to Spur Negotiations: Mostly a Bad Strategy" Harvard University (July 2010), "Obama and Iran: Dialogue or Sanctions?" Harvard University (March 2010), “Iran's Foreign Policy Strategy after Saddam" The Washington Quarterly (Winter 2010), and "The Paradox of Iran's Nuclear Consensus" World Policy Journal (Fall 2009). Dr. Barzegar is the Editor of Discourse: An Iranian English Quarterly.


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