Tradition And Modernity: Shifting Gears in the Indian Discourse

© Government of India / Press Information Bureau

German approach combines national traditions with democratic ideas, similar to Indian way of merging tradition with life.

India's new parliament building prompts reflection on the interplay of youth and ancient civilization as Modi visits France.

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French strategists caution against inviting Modi for Bastille Day, citing perceived differences in values and India's Hindu-nationalism.

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France's revolutionary spirit contrasts with India's pursuit of an organic relationship between democracy and history.

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Indian civilization exhibits dynamism through cultural choices and philosophical perspectives on existence and challenges.

The drafting of India's Constitution reflects the adoption of the Ashoka Chakra symbol and loyalty to spiritual traditions.

The Ashoka's wheel symbolizes truth, virtue, and the need to embrace change for progress and overcoming challenges.

The Constituent Assembly harmonized cultural traditions with modern advances in a sustainable new parliament building.

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