Amit Shah Says Global Cooperation Is Now Essential for Cybersecurity

Smartphones ignited the digital age, NFTs, the metaverse, and AI redefine our "new" new digital world.

Real and digital worlds blur, notably in tech-advanced India. 840M online, 400M more joining by 2025.

India's digital boom: 250% more internet, 96% cheaper data, 500M accounts, 330M RuPay debit cards.

India leads in digital payments: 90M transactions in 2022, $430B via Unified Payments Interface, 46% global share.

India's 1.38 billion Aadhaar IDs powered vaccination of 2.2 billion during COVID, world's largest digital identity. 

India's digital revolution: 50x transaction growth in 5 years, 600,000 km fiber optic cables, open-access public infrastructure.

Emerging tech fuels crime: Ransomware, phishing, scams, terror on dark web, metaverse propaganda, AI deep fakes.

Cyberattacks disrupt, extort, critical systems at risk. Digital disruption could cripple nations, endanger lives, and security.