Rami Harawi

Rami Harawi is an entrepreneurial investor, passionate explorer, and committed humanist. He was born in the UAE to an American mother and a Lebanese father. At the age of six, he moved back to his father's hometown of Zahle in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. His formative years were marked by the realities of post-war Bekaa, where the scars of conflict exposed themselves alongside the hope and prosperity of a new generation. After receiving a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Rami worked as a business consultant between the US, the Middle East, and North Africa. He subsequently pursued his MBA at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, where he expanded his exploration of business opportunities to sub-Saharan Africa. Based in South Africa, Rami is currently pursuing private investments in key growth countries on the continent. Additionally, in his role as co-founder, Rami is expanding the retail business Kiwi Home Collection, from a single store in Zahle, to the premier e-commerce platform for home design and accessories in the Middle East. Rami's years of personal and professional travel and exploration have led him to hold a core belief in humanity that is best expressed through the South African concept of Ubuntu, described here by anti-apartheid leader and social rights activist, Archbishop Desmond Tutu: "A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."


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